20 Failed Careers

Here’s all 20 failed careers I set out to write in a few months, as per anything I do it ended up not getting finished nearly as quick as I would have liked. These are the 20 failed careers from Knave, but I wanted to give them two d6 tables, kind of how Electric Bastionland did, but not really balanced for specific rolls of money or hp or anything like that. Just some inspiration for slightly weird takes on all of them.

  1. Alchemist
  2. Beggar
  3. Burglar
  4. Butcher
  5. Charlatan
  6. Cleric
  7. Cook
  8. Cultist
  9. Gambler
  10. Herbalist
  11. Magician
  12. Mariner
  13. Mercenary
  14. Merchant
  15. Outlaw
  16. Performer
  17. Pickpocket
  18. Smuggler
  19. Student
  20. Tracker

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