Failed Career: Student

You get

Austere robes, book critiquing a rare field of study, ink-stained fingers.

What ended your studies?

  1. Tuition: After an adventuring crew wrecked the local economy, prices at the academy have been steadily rising. You were not able to pay last semester’s rates, but maybe if you could find the elf crypt those adventurers were whispering about…
  2. Forbidden Studies: Your latest term paper startled the whole faculty. The model of the metaverse you presented lorded over by about a half-dozen capricious deities literally playing dice with the universe got you immediately expelled.
  3. Bullying: Stuffed into a locker for the last time, you have decided to find a magic item to prove to your ruffian classmates that you have more mettle than they believed.
  4. Academic Cult: Staying late in the library one night, you heard a commotion in the commons and tip-toed to check it out. The entire faculty was surrounding a horrific obsidian idol, and they removed their faces, revealing themselves to be some kind of worm or centipede creatures posing as teachers.
  5. Doppelganger: A alchemical experiment gave life to an evil twin of yourself. The academy only had room for one student though, and your doppelganger made quick friends with your friends and teachers, and they decided that it would remain in your place. The final straw was when you returned home and your parents were feeding and bonding with the clone.
  6. Lack of Languages: Despite your best efforts, you just haven’t been able to speak the dozens of fantastical creature and planar-being languages. Maybe if you encountered them in an environment outside of the classroom you could catch up.

What was something you never returned to your academy’s tower before leaving?

  1. Technicality Imp: Former familiar of one of your teachers, this annoying little creature always corrects people with the most specific interpretation of topics discussed.
  2. Cypher Satchel: Shoulder bag that jostles letters around in any book contained within. Normal books are reduced to incoherent messes. When a jumbled book is placed back into the satchel and shaken around the letters return to their normal position.
  3. Inverted Chalk: A stick of chalk that consumes writing instead of producing it.
  4. History of Known Traps: While not going into the mechanical workings of any particular traps, this tome describes the history, trends, and authors of a variety of known dungeon hazards.
  5. Monocle of Dust and Mites: A single lens that reveals the precise quantities of dust in the nearby environs, as well as allowing the wearer to peer into the secret lives of the microscopic goblins that dirty all our things. Everything else viewed with this monocle on is indecipherably blurry.
  6. Blood Dowsing Rod: Creepy forked stick that points to the largest source of blood in a thirty-foot area.

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