Session 27
- Barmox the Magic-User, played by Stripe
- Glarg the Fighter, played by Trusty McGurk
- Rocco the Fighter, played by Daryl
- Robber Key the Thief, played by Robert
- Sena the Ranger, played by Malley
- Sky the Druid, played by Captain Caveman
Krothos sends goons to search after Sena, apprehending magic items to provide to Mazzahs the town mage for divination purposes. The party decides to relocate to bogtown. One the way they are approached by a witch-hunter from the church named Magnus Raich, and his quarry, a supposed binder of demons named Lennard.
Suspecting foul play, the group attacks this hunter in the night, slaying him and releasing his captive, who is a deacon from Bogtown, and an enemy of the Bishop of Aerik. The group sets him off towards Helix, telling him to find the Chapel of St. Ygg there.
Off of the corpse of the witch hunter the party retrieves a wand of paralysis, cloak of elven kind, and a supplied. They proceed to Bogtown and meet many of the locals. They meet with the Mother of Toads, the local wizard. They stop into the Toasty Troll Inn and Glarg and Key make quick friends with some scoundrels, hinting that they are looking for work, they are sent to a chapel to St. Ygg, obviously a front for criminal activity.
In attempted subtle fashion, the “priest” says that the current “pope” is unfit for duty, given over to extravagances and a up-and-coming “cardinal” would very much like the head of their “church” disposed of by outsiders, with a wink and a nudge.
They are then pointed to a shrine to Janus out in the Bog, and instructed of a ritual that may transport worshippers to a sister-shrine in the barrowmarsh or back, for a sacrifice of wealth or goods.
Session 28
- Barmox the Magic-User, played Stripe
- Boris the Barbarian, played by Modest Mace
- Glarg the Fighter, played by Trusty McGurk
- Lathan the Half-Elf, played by Ragnar
- Robber Key the Thief, played Robert
- Sena the Ranger, played by Malley
- Sky the Druid, played by Captain Caveman
The party investigates Mecit Manor, traversing through the haunted estate, stumbling upon a corpse in a yellow-mold filled bed, encountering violent fungi, ghouls, and an easily-scared ghost butler, who startles Sena forcing her to run. In her sprinting she steps through some water-damaged floorboards and falls through to a torture chamber below. She spends rounds cowering in the dark before getting her wits about her and using her magic rope to climb back up.
Bertelan the Butler tells the party that the manor of the house, Lamric Mecit is upstairs. They find small demonic creatures trashing the furniture in the estate, and poor Boris the Barbarian is defaced by one of the chaotic creatures.
Twisting a series of crow sculptures on a display in the room a secret passage is opened to the master bedroom, mired in filth with the windows boarded up. The sheets are thrown off the bed by the being resting upon it, Lord Lamric in full regalia, even wearing boots to bed.
He accused the party of awaking him, but Ragnar says that they have traveled long from Barrowmaze, bringing the Mecit family blade home.
Overjoy the young lord asks them to hand it over and breaks out some brandy to celebrate, mentioning of further quests he has for the party to fulfill. The entire party is very apprehensive, and after some investigating, sneaking, and mind reading they realize the lord is not as he appears, so Ragnar leaps into battle, striking the creature.
The young lord is transformed before the group’s eyes into an eight-foot tall woman in decrepit clothing, with ruinous claws and hatefull eyes. All the adventurers leap in to slay her, but she is able to shift in and out of the material realm, avoiding their blows. Barmox steps up and uses his wand of paralysis, disabling the creature just enough for the party to decapitate the crone.
For their reward the party finds a massive horde of jewels and a silvered dining set, and they retrieve a massive oil painting of the manor, selling it to the “head grocer” in Bogtown.
Session 29
- Barkface the Druid, played by EvilTables
- Barmox the Magic-User, played by Stripe
- Lathan the Half-Elf, played by Ragnar
- Robber Key the Thief, played by Robert
- Sky the Druid, played by Captain Caveman
The party continues their search of Mecit Manor. Deciding to investigate the attached Wizard’s tower. They encounter haunted rooms along the way, acquiring a log of the manor and spell scrolls. Entering into the trapped tower, a wizard’s assistant named Humfra shouts down from the second floor that if there are any spiders with them, he will release the dogs, referring to a chained collection of ghasts and ghouls.
Ragnar casts Charm Person on this being, and learns that the wizard Orias sleeps deep in the earth, having been blessed by the Dark Lord with vampirism. They ask to be led to his study, a library and alchemical lab on the third floor, noting all the windows having been blacked out. They spy a multitude of potions, a spellbook on a plinth, and a chest full of wealth. They also are seen by a crow, and Humfra confirms this to be his master’s familiar.
Barmox asks for Humfra to bring the creature closer to him, and while the one-eyed assistant is warning the crow to not try pecking out his good eye, Barmox sleeps the both of them. They slay the familiar, bound and gag the assistant, and kill off the undead guards of the tower.
Barkface detects danger in the room from the book, the chest and some potions, and worries that the master would know of the familiar’s death, so the group decides to aim for slaying the vampire sooner rather than alter.
Entering into the basement they see a variety of barrels stored under the tower. They enter through two double doors and into a barracks filled with rat men. A deadly melee is engaged, multiple party members are struck by the ferocious creatures, but the Druids cast heat metal on their chain, burning many of them and forcing the creatures to run. Barmox’s wand comes in handy yet ago, disabling many of the combatants.
Deciding they are too injured to proceed, they return to the tower, collecting the potions that did not detect as dangerous, carefully grabbing the tome without touching it, and plundering the vampire’s chest for a ransom of gems, platinum, and electrum.
They decide to camp out in the woods overnight, fearing that the vampire will travel to Bogtown seeking revenge.