You get
One nasty dagger, a pouch full of buttons, a tooth pick.
How were you caught?
- Lack of Finesse: Turns out walking right up to someone, holding direct eye contact, and shoving your hands straight into their pockets and purses is a great way to be immediately arrested.
- Mini Man Alarm: Bit by a pocket homunculus, your yelps gave you away.
- Outplayed: Your last mark was a master counter-thief, every pence you thought you took from them somehow ended with every last thing you owned being transferred to them.
- Betrayed: One of your companions pointed you out to the sheriff, who used your capture as a feather in their cap.
- Loud Mouthed: After buying several rounds of ales, a stranger asked you how you came upon such good fortunes. You quickly learned that honesty is not always the best policy.
- Divination: After retiring from a career of adventuring, the local hedge mage decided to become a village detective.
What was the oddest thing you lifted?
- Tiny Totem of Confidence: A figure of a local deity carved from smooth stone, when it belly is rubbed you can hear affirmations in your head.
- Digestible Treasure: One purse full of imitation coins, the gold nothing but foil. The chocolate internals at least is a rare treat.
- Psychedelic Mold: The leather purse your stole from a visiting druid contained only patches of moist growth inside. Ingesting this made you acutely aware of the secret lives of colors and the varies polyhedral shapes living in-between wood grains.
- Pouch of Devouring: Fanged on the inside, this bag whines if not provided with a weekly meal. Seemingly able to digest all sorts of organic and inorganic material you can it into it without producing waste. Or at least, without producing waste as of yet.
- Monster Teeth: Unsettlingly, the local miller had a purse practically bursting with a variety of fangs, teeth, and claws. You are unsure if you should report them to someone, or if you can use these in some kind of ritual.
- Lovely Lich’s Locket: Unsure who it belonged to, but someone in your village kept a heart-shaped locket with a rendition of the Dread Lich Pestulentia. Can you use this to your advantage?
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