Barrowmaze Open Table Session 7

edit: I accidentally numbered the last session report as 7 when it was actually 7, sorry for the confusion


The party continues into the maze, fights with shadows and loses one of their own, discovers a frightening ally, and an elfish play troupe arrives in town.



  • Barkface the Druid, played by EvilTables
  • Donnie the Bard, played by Malley
  • Sky the Druid, played by Captain Caveman
  • Thangbrand the Barbarian (deceased), played By Graytung
  • Uriel the Ranger, played by Dante


  • Arnd Cobblestone, rescued dwarf
  • Cravos, torchbearer thug
  • Garbash, cleric of Crom
  • Irya, former squire


The party returned to the Barrowmaze without trouble.

Deciding to investigate unexplored hallways to the north, the group found three rooms, and the hallway bricked up.

Searching the rooms unveiled a fight with a giant spider, fortunately the group was able to surround and dispatch it quickly.

After dismantling the brick wall at the end of the hall, they witnessed four sarcophagi in a room with frescos depicting four knights vanquishing knights of law.

Examining a sarcophagus caused four shadows to form from the graves and attack the party.

The group ran, recouped, and decided to return and focus on one shadow at a time.

Thangbrand, Donnie, and Arnd were both struck by the shadows,and Thangbrand fell – their heart frozen by necrotic energies.

The group returned to town, saddened by the loss of another companion.

There they witnessed a Winter Elf troupe come to town in an elaborate wagon, setting up for a play in two days.

Donnie asked if they needed help, but as Elfs are often want to do, they dismissed the human’s talents.

Returning to the dungeon, the group discovered a pale figure with glowing red eyes, dressed like a night. The being told them that his name was Tuno and that his party encountered Necromancers and had lost, and that he woke in a room near an altar.

The group debated attacking him or not, but asked him to lead them to the area he last remembered being with his companions.

Tuno led them through a statue room they had been in before, revealing a secret door in an alcove.

Beyond the group found several pit traps, a door that was swollen shut, and a shattered door, as well as signs of a struggle.

They asked Tuno to open the eastern door, revealing a room with a shattered glass sarcophagus and a skeleton within.

Barkface’s detect danger showed the bones to be a threat, so the group surrounded it and shattered the remains.

Returning to the west swollen door, the group bashed it open and found a room covered entirely in lime, with two bodies on slats.

These bodies rose as fossilized skeletons, and after a short battle most of the party came out unscathed.

Having their fill of danger, the party set back to Helix, while Tuno said his farewells as he intended to continue the search for his party.

Closing thoughts

I feel bad for Graytung who yet again suffered a really bad roll that ended his character. The session was definitely fun and had a lot going on, but I still feel the treasure in Barrowmaze is a bit lacking for my tastes.

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