Gygax 75 Challenge: Week 2

Here is a rough description of the environs I have came up with for my Gygax 75 setting, Umborea.

I have a map, but would prefer not posting it so my players can hex-crawl through the region.


Stride (starting village)

A village resting on God’s Heart lake, just under the gaze of the Shaper’s resting head. Whether this is truly part of the buried Old God, or just one of his artifacts is unknown – no one dares approach it or the monastery in the mountains, fearing the dooms that cast the gods down during the last aeon.


A massive city state near the meeting point of two rivers. Once the furthest east city of the Phoenix King’s Empire, it is now ruled by the defiant war queen Tannia who burned half the city in her rage. She seeks to unify the peoples of the land and discover the truth of the last age’s destruction, sending knowledge-seekers into the labyrinthine crypts below the city.

Wax Knights’ Keep

A fortress looming on the Sea of Storms to the east. This knightly order traces their lineage back before this valley was flooded. They vigilantly watch the sea from their towering lighthouse. Members of this order have been scene transporting captive monsters back to their fort.


Shaper’s Reach

A low mountain region in the northwest vale, noted for having a massive stone head and hands jutting out of the stone. Said to either be a relic made by the Shaper, or may actually be his resting body.

God’s Heart Lake

A massive swell of water just below Shaper’s Reach, said to be a spring reaching down to the Shaper’s heart itself, and many seeking truths of the old age come to drink from it.

The Teeth

The mountain range occupying the southwest portion of the vale, surrounded by a rocky stretch of dust and sand, people fear this region for being a home of the Gods’ Forsaken Children.

Sea of Storms

A tumultuous sea to the east of the vale, watched over by the Wax Knights, rumors of creatures dwelling below, and mystical isles being hidden out beyond the horizon.

Dungeons & Places of Interest

Monastery of the Shaper (main dungeon)

An ancient stone monastery on an open palm in the Shaper’s Reach. Its true purpose is unknown, although many people believed that the chosen of the Shaper dwelt here amongst their god, worshipping and reveling in his mysteries. None dare return here fearing curses, and fear the squat, rough figures seen patrolling the reach.

The Smolder/Labyrinth Below

The half of the City Ember that was burned by Queen Tannia in her conquest. Although rumored to hide many riches, people dare not tread her for rumors of dread spirits. There are also many access to the crypts below, and Queen Tannia rewards handsomely for relics and tomes of the past aeon retrieved from there.

Shattered Academy

In the sands just before reaching the Teeth lies an ancient academy. Once home to a wizened collective, it is rumored that they discovered something horrific, causing terrible beings of light and fire to descend upon them, scorching the valley and casting all into who lived out into the sandy wilds.

Encounter Table

  1. Winged Wheel of Light and Fire: An alien and awe-inspiring massive being, said to have brought judgement upon the Gods during the past aeon.
  2. Barbed Serpent: A wyvern from the roosts of the Teeth
  3. Jackal-Folk: Nomadic creatures of the desert, one of the many Forsaken Children of the Gods.
  4. Wax Knights: Vigilant warriors, on patrol searching for creatures.
  5. Ravenous Dead: Nightmarish shambling creatures, seeking to sate their hunger on the blood of the living.
  6. Bandits: Looking to take advantage of weary travelers and wealthy caravans.
  7. Caravan: Seeking the best route to the Merchant Kingdoms of the west, or any of the Defiant City States.
  8. Gargoyles: Winged creatures, said to be one of the many foul descendents of the Shaper.
  9. Lion: A pride of lions ranging or hunting over the arid grasslands.
  10. Stone Man: A massive stone being, carved in ancient script, following some unknown purpose.
  11. The Blind Sage: A cursed being of shadow, said to be one of the professors from the Shattered Academy.

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