So I’ve been fortunate to run a few playtests of my Primeval d6 (which I should probably “rename” to Primeval 2d6 since that’s pretty much all I roll) and I’ve been honing the kind of basic form of the system. I need to sit down and update my actual play document, but here’s how I’ve been running it lately and why I have made changes.
I’ve been getting more and more into what people are calling “pre-D&D” or Ancient School Roleplaying, basically something along the lines of Braunstein and Blackmoor.
If you want a primer on the details I recommend Norbert Matausch’s excellent Play Worlds Not Rules series.
I’ve seen several systems in this style, three of my favorites are:
I love all of these, and have even ran a two hour one shot of Landshut in Hyboria that was a lot of fun. Like any tinkering geek I have my own way of running this style of game, which I am currently calling “Primeval d6.”
I want to put together a standalone pdf of my rules, but I wanted to type up the current working set as I think about what I would add or take away.