The adventure I have been playtesting quite a lot recently is ready for prelaunch on Kickstarter, while I get some of the landing page in order. If you’re interested in dark, investigative horror fantasy modules feel free to check it out.
Thank you!
Tag: adventure
Status Update & Adventure
I hope the summer finds you all well – I have been hard at work juggling a number of various tasks so I thought I would provide a bit of an update here just to keep the blog feed rolling.
A few months ago I was unfortunately laid off in one of the many mass layoffs in the gaming industry. Fortunately I had been a part of the company for time, and I received a good severance package. None the less, if you need someone with almost two decades of engineering, development, and design experience feel free to reach out.
One of the many projects I have been alternating between is an adventure titled A Blight Upon Sombreval. It’s a fantasy medieval investigation scenario, very much in my style of gaming and preferences – inspired by all kinds of 70s and 80s horror flicks, low magic fantasy, a rough take on “medieval” fantasy, etc.
This is an adventure I ran years ago, and decided to dust it off again for some friends. I got great feedback and encouragement to put it out somewhere, so I decided to work on it in a slightly more “professional” capacity. Mostly acquire art for it, playtest some variations on subject matter, figure out how to lay out something besides two-column text.
I decided to throw together another site for my adventure “publishing” stuff, as I have a little bit more time to focus on that stuff, and I thought it might be fun to put out more adventures and tools that I myself wish for. I hope you don’t mind the shilling, so I’ll just put a link to the site here and keep any publishing endeavors separate from my “free” stuff.