The party explores a mound further east atop the marsh, discovering a secret entrance further into the maze below. There the battle with gigantic centipedes, the unquiet dead of necrotic priests, and hear the howling of an unearthly wolf deep within the tomb.

Player characters
- Lathan Lancehand the Half-Elf, played by Ragnar
- Prim the Elf, played by CowardlyB
- Sena Sunhell the Ranger, played by Malley
- Sky the Druid, played by Captain Caveman
- Stee Blackbend the Fighter, played by Jacob H.
- Foamy the dog, Sky’s befriended beast
- Garbash, Cleric of Crom
- Irya, Fighter
- Manks, Cleric of Hathor
These will be very terse – as usual I am super late and checking this in right before the proceeding session.
The introduces themselves to new members Sena and Primp, and they head back out to the marsh.
There they find a plundered tomb, with muddy bootprints going in, but none leaving. Investigating they discover a hidden mechanism in the macabre carving, unveiling a staircase descending into the maze.
They proceed, find themselves in an intersection leading four ways, and when they investigate to the east they see what appears to be a partial cave in, as well as an ruined campsite. The group prods this, and numerous giant centipedes rear up in defense, biting and poisoning Lathan.
Returning to town to cure Lathan, the head priest of the Church of Ygg solemnly cures the half-elf, hoping for further donations to cover the loss of his old adept Gamdar.
After the party regroups days later, they seek the previous entrance once more, quickly avoiding the centipede swarm. They here a buzzing to west. Primp prepares sleep, the party tosses a lit torch into the western room and see six gargantuan carnivorous flies descend upon the torch, and the elf unleashes their spell.
The flies all perish quietly under the blades of our beloved knaves.
Explore the room inhabited by these creatures, they find a large statue of a woman whose face and features have been scratched off. She holds a cracked stone urn in her right hand, but the party is unable to discern its meaning or purpose, if any.
Bursting open a stuck door to the south, they see piles and piles of robed corpses and smashed tombs, as well as a grim altar to the south. Gold and platinum glitter from beneath the bones, but when the party approaches, the bones transmute into the figure of dead clerics of chaos, with glowing green claws. Rasping and advancing, the party pulls the door shut, quickly tieing rope around the handle and affixing it to the statue.
The creatures from within continue to claw at the door, the party things to search a door just east of this room, but as they do a great howling echoes out from the west, and the party decides to make off as they hear the patting of paws on stone.
The group returns to their primary entrance just east of this tomb, and return to the cemented up hallway to the south, a common target of the group since their first excursion, but one they have always been distracted from.
This time is different, however, they make their way there, dismantle the wall, and find a hallways lined with three doors to the west. All appear locked, and in the hall they find one lone skeleton laid against the stone, with a charcoal message of “Dead inside.”
The group breaks into two of the rooms, finding treasure within alcoves, and skeletons that they engage into battle with, Lathan and the Clerics blocking them from leaving their tomb, while the rest smash when possible.
They find a number of circlets, bracelets, a runic tablet, a cloudy potion, and small bags of wealth, and decide this is enough to retire for the day, returning to town.