The players gain two new allies, traverse more of the maze, engage in a brief chase, and meet a skeleton that doesn’t quite understand its unliving condition.

Player characters
- Jakob “The Smirk”, an Acrobat played by Malley
- Grick the Half-Orc, played by Modest Mace
- John Grond the Fighter, played by Ragnar
- Sky the Druid, played by Captain Caveman
- Uriel the Ranger, played by Dante
- Foamy the Mutt, Sky’s befriended dog
- Garbash, Cleric of Crom
- Irya the Archer
- Manks, Cleric of Hathor
Having had difficulty with some of the mounds out on the marsh, the group returns to the maze below, initially heading for the bricked-up wall they started dismantling on the very first session.
They saw a swarm of fire beetles down the east hall before they turned south, causing them to rush and spike each door after passing through.
Nearing their goal, they heard a door being shut. Sneaking after it and noticing a series of black droplets on the floor, the party sprung through a door behind which they heard talking, and encountered two robed skeletons they witnessed days earlier.
The party sprung to attack, slaying the foul creatures. Jakob the Acrobat lept, dealing ridiculous amounts of damage. John held his shield aloft, protecting his party members. Sky and Foamy struck at the fiends. Uriel shot one with his magic bow. Examining what these foul beings were up to, they found a bucket of black paint and some symbols in another language painted on the wall. Using their magical spectacles of understanding languages, they saw that the creatures were constructing a wanted poster for someone named “Pullo”, who they claim had defaced their unholy sites.
Proceeding south the party were keen to find a series of secret doors. Working their way through a variety of hidden tunnels, they passed by a statue of a woman holding out a scarf. Unable to identify the figure, the group pressed on.
Orienting themselves east towards their intended goal, they found a room containing a single zombified mongrelfolk, completely bedecked in bells. The monster lurched towards the knaves, bells clamoring with every step. They struck the beast down, but knew he was working as some kind of a morbid alarm.
John stood behind the door, waiting to see who stepped through. The door swung open, and a swarm of zombies made up of humans, elves, and mongrel folk shambled slowely at the doorway. A necromancer from beyond cackled, demanding their surrender.
John immediately slammed shut the door. Sky and Jakob spiked the door, and the party broke off running through the secret hallways, hearing the slow shuffle of undead feet after them.
Spiking the final secret door behind them, the stood in the shrine room and thought to go east, as to not return towards the necromancer.
Passing an open pit trap the group saw some jewels glittering amongst bones. Jakob climbed down after the wealth when he was startled by a skeleton below. It called up to him, pleading. Asking the things name, it told him Aloyisius. The skeleton told him he was a thief and jeweler who had came to the tomb in search of treasure. His group stumbled upon necromancers, ran, and fell in the pit. He claims to have been her for days, and needs help up.
The party decided to lift him out of the tomb, noting that his left leg was broken off. When pressed, the being did not seem to realize himself undead. They kept trekking east, noticing more bricked up walls. They shattered one revealing a mummy within. As John reached for the jeweled neckpiece adorning the corpse’s clavicle, the monster sprung to life, but was quickly dispatched with Uriel’s frost bow.
Feeling they had enough treasure for the day, they hurried back to the entrance. Their skeletal companion seemed unable to enter into the sunlight, pleading for the party to send a medic. They told him they would return.
Closing thoughts
It was a fun session. I was super interested to see how the melee with the necromancer would go. I was actually pretty nervous but the party was able to assess and escape quickly. Aloyisius was also super fun to play, and it was nice seeing an Acrobat character spring into action.
Several players achieved level 3. So at the moment we’re averaging about 1 level every 4 games, although several players have been set back by deaths, but that’s part of the draw of D&D for me – big risks.
I am looking forward to the next session.