The party decides to search the immediate southern portion of the barrows, running into a variety of figures and learning a few details of the tomb.
Cast of characters
Player Characterss
- Barkface the Druid, played by EvilTables
- Donnie the Bard, played by Malley
- Grick the Half-Orc, played by John
- Groolgrod the Dwarf, played by Directsun
- Arnd Cobblestone, dwarf
- Cravos (deceased), thug turned fighter
- Garbash, cleric of Crom
- Irya, archer and former squire

Quick summary this time as I have been very busy this week. I may forget or miss details as to not having a ton of time to format or review my notes.
The party returned to the Barrowmaze, initially checking the immediate north doorway, stained in blood.
Sending two hirelings inside – Cravos and Arnd, a pressure plate was set, dropping a portcullis separating those two from the group. Upon slamming, a northern door opened and three skeletons stumbled out. The group was able to destroy these skeletons, but not before Cravos suffered a mortal blow, and as he died he asked the group to seek out his daughter in Bogtown.
Turning south to a bricked-up section of the tomb the party initially removed a few bricks out of, the group decide to investigate an adjacent room, finding a squad of six mongrel-folk who turns spears at them and bark defensively. Seeing that they did no speak the same language, the party slowly backs out of the room, leaving the creatures.
Investigating a few tombs the group collects a small collection of silvered items, coins, and rare baubles.
The group proceeds through a variety of tombs, eventually coming across two cloaked skeletons in the dark, rasping the question of who disturbs the tomb. Groolgrod tells them that he is searching the maze. The reach out in the dark, and their clawed hands ignite in an eerie green flame.
The group immediately breaks out to a southern doorway, working to spike the door behind them.
Continuing south, the group notices a secret door and proceeds east. Within they find an old wardrobe filled with ominous black robes. Proceeding through the secret passageway they come across a deceased elf slumped against a tomb wall.
Finding a small southern cubby filled with a pile of platinum ringed by stones Grick tosses a stone onto the pile, initiating a pressure plate trap that slams an iron door down in front of him.
The group batters the iron door, shoving a crowbar into the seems and curling and cracking bits of the thing door, a large cloud of poisonous gas leaks out, Barkface and Donnie pull rags to their face at the last minute preventing any inhalation.
As the group surveys additional doors, they hear a loud noise to the east. They reset a pit trap they purposefully set off in their investigation, and call out to the source of the noice.
Three black robed figures peer through the archway, with a motley of figures behind them. Groolgrod who has slipped on one of the black robes, waves out to them. The beings call out in an ancient language, one that Barkface has studied, but the dwarf did not recognize.
Barkface attempts to give Groolgrod the translation but the dwarf is unable to correctly pronounce the odd tongue.
Barkface drops the scheme and speaks to them, claiming that the party was drawn to tomb by visions, and was looking to join the figures in their pursuits. These beings identified themselves as worshipers of Set, and that they are at war against followers of Orcus.
Asking where to pledge allegiance to Set, the cultists note a shrine to the southwest. The cultists ask if the group saw their mongrel-folk slaves, and Barkface indicated around where they were.
Feeling the party had enough plunder, the group followed after the Settites, noting that they were accompanied by skeletons and the zombified corpse of the dead elf.
Returning back to Helix, the group cashed in their plunder and retired to their rented apartment for the night, preparing for the traveling Elf’s show during the next evening.
Wrapping up
Fun session! Its always fun gaming with new people and we got a bit of lore for the Barrowmaze, which we just happened to kind of miss many of the sessions just out of sheer luck based on the specific path the party had taken.