Quick Update

I’ve ran quite a few sessions of my Doomed Reach game. While been a lot of fun, the only downside is that the player scheduling portion of the setup hasn’t been too successful. Initially people jumped on gaming slots, but as this progressed it kind of became a situation where I started prodding certain players, so it essentially devolved into a traditional game, only with a lot of players and a lot of open threads.

I also ran Winter’s Daughter using Old School Essentials for friends and coworkers. This was a lot of fun, and I would like to write up what I recall of the actual play.

On Sundays I have been running an open table game using Old School Essentials, we’ve started with Winter’s Daughter and have played through three sessions. I think the group is almost finished with that particular dungeon, so I will be interested to see where it goes from here.

I have also been bitten yet again by the Glorantha bug, and am trying to find a game of RuneQuest or HeroQuest online. If I don’t soon I may have to run RuneQuest, but I am not sure if that will be too many games for me.