When you examine the corpse, roll d10:
- You find branded onto the base of its neck a jagged rune, something you swear you have seen graffitied somewhere within the slums.
- There were carrying a bag full of teeth, some recognizably inhuman.
- Hidden in a false heel of their book is a letter, warning the Lady of the Manor that an assassin lurks within her court.
- Snorting as they wake with a start, frightened to be surrounded by such knaves.
- You discover that they are not human at all, that underneath the facade of skin is some sort of clockwork construct.
- Their body begins to spasm to and fro, they lurch up onto wobbly legs as their head and fingers burst open, revealing a colony of writhing worm creatures.
- A false eye, some sort of finished pearl or another smooth stone.
- Their pockets are stuffed with drugs. Cheap, dirty drugs.
- The body begins to rapidly decompose into some kind of an ooze, which then quickly makes its way to escape towards the nearest crack.
- The body is actually that of a famous wizard, who had been masquerading as a commoner.